Population & Quick Facts
The most recent census data, from 2011 indicate the population for the Irish Loop region at 7,522. This represents more than a 10% decline in population from 2006. According to Newfoundland and Labrador Community Accounts the 2006 Census population for the Irish Loop region was 8,410.
The median age in the Irish Loop was 45 in 2006. The 2006 median age in Newfoundland and Labrador was 42.
The median age in the Irish Loop was 45 in 2006. The 2006 median age in Newfoundland and Labrador was 42.
- Total population 7,522 (2011 census)
- Average family income $65,900
- Personal income per capita $20,900
- Employment rate 78.6% ages 18 to 64
- Number of registered business: 262
- Major sectors: fisheries, tourism, marine, manufacturing/ processing and retail/service
- Accessible by road, air and sea - (2 major ports)
- Telecommunications: 93% access to high speed internet
- Attractions: archeological settlement, lighthouses, famous trail, largest caribou herd and a number of coastline attractions
- Tax rates are comparatively low
- Home ownership: 92.7% homes owned